Special Refrigeration Plants
Helium Refrigeration Plants

Linde Kryotechnik develops and builds refrigeration systems to fit customers’ requirements.
Research facilities at renowned universities and institutes, including CERN in Geneva, the MPI in Greifswald, JLAB in Newport News, Fermi-Lab near Chicago, MSU in East Lansing, KEK in Tsukuba, ESS in Lund, or DESY in Hamburg, require low-temperature cooling that can only be delivered by large cryogenic refrigeration units.
Our success is not only the result of our extensive experience, but also of the way we have used that experience to advance and optimize helium plant technology and systems to ensure reliability and confidence in every product we offer. Linde Kryotechnik develops and builds refrigeration systems to fit customers’ requirements. Efficiency, punctuality and reliability are our watchwords. Our credentials are represented by special helium refrigeration systems with a performance rating that ranges from several hundred to well over 18,000 W at a mean temperature of 4.5 K, with an open-ended upper limit.
Other special refrigeration systems work with cold compressors, warm screw compressors, vacuum pumps, or a combination of these, and deliver cooling power at temperatures down to and below 1.5 K.
Through its projects in the USA and worldwide, Linde Kryotechnik has accumulated a wealth of experience in cooling high-temperature superconductors (HTS) in the 30 to 80 K range and refrigeration cold neutron sources or cryo pumps for space simulation chambers in the 20 K temperature range.